Tiny Tim Tomato

Regular price €3.00
When it comes to dwarf-type tomatoes, Tiny Tim is a reference point for the category, with a pedigree that dates back to 1800. Interest in dwarf tomatoes began in Europe in the late sixteenth century. In the following four centuries, notable horticulturalists and seedsmen contributed to the breeding selection, leading to, among many other varieties, this compact tomato, developed in 1949 at the University of New Hampshire. The result is astonishing: an erect, tree-like plant with short branches, curled to wrinkled leaves of a remarkably deep green colour and, last but not least, clusters of delicious, cherry-size, bright red fruits!
Latin name
Solanum lycopersicum
Tiny Tim
Short description
Not the ukulele player but, nevertheless, a classic
200 seeds
Plant size
Height 30 cm
Width 25 cm
Container size
Height 20 cm
Width 20 cm
Companion plant
Basil, nasturtium, okra, garlic chives, borage, mint, marigold
How to grow
Indoor Feb-Mar
Outdoor Apr-May
Germination 10-20 days
Harvesting 50-60 days
When sowing 3-5 cm; Depth 0,5 cm
When transplanting 20-30 cm
Sunligth Full sun.
Soil Well-drained, light and fertile soil.
Watering Regular watering, up to twice a day.
Feeding Heavy feeder.
Expert tip Dwarf-type tomatoes can be vulnerable to soil-born diseases as they tend to grow very close to
the ground. Prevention is the key: grow them in a container, use sterile potting soil and organic
mulch, and trim any ground weeds.
Although tomatoes are self-pollinating plants, pollinators will increase fruit set..
The strong smells of onions and garlic will deter pests from the area around a tomato plant.
How to eat
A tomato is at its flavour peak when it becomes deep red in colour and has a firm texture when the fruit is squeezed gently. Cut them off the plant with scissors and keep a short stub of stem attached to prevent rotting.
Medicinal properties Rich in nutrients and vitamins. Helps protect cells from aging.
How to eat Tiny Tims are suitable for any cherry tomato recipe. They are good raw in salads, and we find Tiny
Tims delicious when roasted. Cut the tomatoes in half, toss with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and
a pinch of sugar, oregano or thyme, black pepper and a couple of garlic cloves. Place them in the
oven in a single layer, and roast until they taste like candies!