Sweet Pepper Jimmy Nardello

Regular price €3.00
The famous Jimmy Nardello Sweet Italian Frying Pepper was first introduced to the USA in 1887 by Giuseppe Nardello, an Italian immigrant who popped a few seeds from his favourite pepper into his pocket before leaving his home country. His son, Jimmy, kept the family treasure safe and gave the pepper his name. Thanks to Jimmy, this outstanding variety is now listed in the US Ark of Taste as an American heirloom. The plant is very prolific, with the fruit being one of the sweetest and most palatable varieties that you can find. The long, often twisted pods ripen from green to red. Usually, this pepper’s fate is to be dried or fried, but it's also delicious when used fresh in salads.
Latin name
Capsicum annuum
Sweet Pepper
Jimmy Nardello
35 seeds
Plant size
Height 60 cm
Width 40 cm
Container size
Height 30 cm
Width 30 cm
Companion plant
Basil, okra, onions, radishes, calendula, mints.
How to grow
Indoor Feb-Mar
Outdoor Apr-June
Germination 10-20 days
Harvesting 70-90 days
When sowing 3-5 cm; Depth 0,5 cm
When transplanting 25-35 cm
Sunligth Full sun.
Soil Well-drained, light and fertile soil.
Watering Regular, moderate watering.
Feeding Heavy feeder.
Expert tip Jimmy Nardello will be the happiest, most prolific guest in your container garden and will require very little help. Your only concern will be how to deal with the shed-load of sweet peppers that it will produce!
Although hot peppers are self-pollinating plants, pollinators will increase fruit set..
Grow companion plants that attract ladybirds to prevent aphid attacks.
How to eat
The more Jimmy Nardello you pick, the more you will harvest! Pick the peppers often – as soon as they are ripe – to ensure a continued harvest.
Medicinal properties Contain a high concentration of vitamins and minerals. Aids circulation.
How to eat Sweet and light when eaten raw, Jimmy Nardello is best known as a frying pepper as its fruity flavour becomes perfectly creamy when fried.