Hot Pepper Lemon Habanero

Regular price €3.00
Habanero Lemon, also known as Yellow Habanero, is a lantern-shaped chili that matures from green to lemon yellow. The pods grow to about 5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, and have a distinctive fruity and citrusy taste (and, according to some, even an apricot-like aroma). Let’s talk about spiciness: our yellow friend doesn’t exceed the capsaicin level of the average habanero, registering at about 100,000–300,000 on the Scoville scale. But that’s a lot! Named after the city of La Havana in Cuba, these peppers are most likely to have originated in the Amazon region, although they are very popular in the Caribbean.
Latin name
Capsicum chinense
Hot Pepper
Lemon Habanero
10 seeds
Plant size
Height 70 cm
Width 45 cm
Container size
Height 30 cm
Width 30 cm
Companion plant
Basils, okra, onions, calendula, mints, oregano, thyme.
How to grow
Indoor Feb-Mar
Outdoor May-June
Germination 15-30 days
Harvesting 90-120 days
When sowing 3-5 cm; Depth 0,5 cm
When transplanting 25-35 cm
Sunligth Full sun.
Soil Well-drained, light and fertile soil.
Watering Regular, allow to dry out.
Feeding Heavy feeder.
Expert tip Habaneros like it hot: the soil temperature should be kept higher than 18°C to ensure good germination.
Although peppers are self-pollinating plants, pollinators will increase fruit set.
Grow companion plants that attract ladybirds to prevent aphid attacks.
How to eat
The more habanero peppers you pick, the more you will harvest! Pick the peppers often – as soon as they are ripe – to ensure a continued harvest.
Medicinal properties Contain a high concentration of vitamins and minerals. Can help relieve pain.
How to eat Try them fresh from the plant, chopped and added to salads. Use them as a garnish for Caribbean recipes or add them to salsas, marinades and bottled condiments.