Forget-Me-Not Indigo Blue

Product image 1Forget-Me-Not Indigo Blue
Product image 2Forget-Me-Not Indigo Blue
Product image 3Forget-Me-Not Indigo Blue

Regular price €3.00 EUR

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Sometimes the importance of a flower is contained in its name, and forget-me-nots are one of them. The name comes from a German legend about a knife and his beloved, and possibly because of this, it became a symbol of love and remembrance, a promise that you will always keep a person in your thoughts. Historically, the flower has signified protection and luck for kings and secret organizations, and nowadays it is the symbolic flower of a few regions. Blue Bell Forget-me-not is an improved, compact variety of this popular flower, with grey-green leaves and small blue flowers. Very easy to maintain, they are a great choice for borders, meadows and containers.
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