Basil Red Rubin

Regular price €3.00
As the name suggests, Red Rubin Basil is a red-coloured basil. More specifically, it has dark, reddish-purple leaves and stems, making it most appealing for salads and garnishes. Another small difference from regular basil is that Red Rubin has a stronger flavour. Evidence of a reddish basil dates back to the 1830s, when the English botanist George Bentham first discovered an ‘opal’ strain of the plant. It wasn’t until 1950, however, that a genuine red/purple basil cultivar was created: the Dark Opal. Red Rubin is a new, improved variant of this cultivar, having larger, more deeply purple leaves and being less prone to areas of green developing. You can guarantee that vibrant Red Rubin will stand out from the crowd!
Latin name
Ocimum basilicum
Red Rubin
120 seeds
Plant size
Height 40 cm
Width 20 cm
Container size
Height 20 cm
Width 20 cm
Companion plant
Tomatoes, peppers, oregano, parsley, garlic chives, alpine strawberries
How to grow
Indoor Feb-Mar
Outdoor Apr-June
Germination 5-10 days
Harvesting 40-60 days
When sowing 1-3 cm; Depth 0,5 cm
When thinning 3-5 cm
Sunligth Full sun to partial shade
Soil Well-drained, light and moist soil
Watering Regular watering, not overdone
Feeding Light feeder
Expert tip To promote a nice bushy plant with lots of lemon-scented leaves, prune this basil early and often by pinching off the upper set of leaves. Cut the flowers off to prevent the leaves from becoming bitter.
Attracts bees and butterflies.
Repels aphids and mosquitoes. Improves the health of other plants (and people!).
How to eat
Pinch out leaves as you need them for your recipes. Use the remainder for a refreshing cup of herbal tea. As fresh basil wilts and loses both its colour and fragrance soon after harvesting, it is best to keep basil in a glass of water and in a cool, dry, dark spot.
Medicinal properties Refreshing and relaxing, basil stimulates appetite and lifts the mood.
How to eat Red Rubin is an excellent choice for a salad garnish or an intensely flavoured pesto sauce. Or how about giving your party drinks a twist with this luscious leaf? Shake together vodka, peppercorns, lemon juice and sugar syrup with some Red Rubin for a punchy and refreshing Red Basil Smash.