Hot Pepper Jalapeño M

Product image 1Hot Pepper Jalapeño M
Product image 2Hot Pepper Jalapeño M
Product image 3Hot Pepper Jalapeño M

Regular price €3.00

The Jalapeño chili is named after the city of Xalapa in Mexico, where the pepper was traditionally cultivated. But Mexicans also know it by the names chile gordo, meaning ‘fat chili pepper’, and cuaresmeño, referring to its traditional place on the Lent food table. Its first recorded appearance (as chipotle, i.e. smoke-dried jalapeño) is in the Florentine Codex manuscript, where priest and ethnographer Bernardino de Sahagún reported how popular peppers were with Aztecs in the 16th century: they were used in cooking, medicine and certain cultural ceremonies. Nowadays, jalapeños are grown extensively across Mexico and the thick-walled fruits are known worldwide. Although they are usually eaten at the green stage, either fresh or pickled, the fruits ripen to red and are amazingly sweet when allowed to do so (Scoville units: 2.500-8.000).



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Latin name
Capsicum annuum

Hot Pepper

Jalapeño M

35 seeds

Plant size
Height 70 cm
Width 35 cm

Container size
Height 30 cm
Width 30 cm

Companion plant
Basils, okra, onions, radishes, calendula, mints.

How to grow

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Indoor Feb-Mar
Outdoor May-June

Germination 15-30 days
Harvesting 90-120 days

When sowing 5 cm; Depth 0,5 cm
When transplanting 30 cm

Sunligth Full sun.
Soil Well-drained, light and fertile soil.
Watering Regular, moderate watering.
Feeding Heavy feeder.

Expert tip The Jalapeño’s flavour is best when harvested at the green stage, but it becomes hotter when left to ripen fully..

Although peppers are self-pollinating plants, pollinators will increase fruit set.
Grow companion plants that attract ladybirds to prevent aphid attacks.

How to eat

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Check for small cracks in the skin on the fruits’ shoulders – this is a sign that the Jalapeños are ready to be picked.

Medicinal properties If you suffer from headaches, try some Jalapeños on your food and feel the pain disappear!
How to eat The nickname chile gordo couldn’t really be more appropriate as these generously sized peppers can be stuffed full of cheese, bacon or any other culinary delight that takes your fancy.

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