Sorrel Large de Belleville

Product image 1Sorrel Large de Belleville
Product image 2Sorrel Large de Belleville
Product image 3Sorrel Large de Belleville
Product image 4Sorrel Large de Belleville

Regular price €3.00

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Large de Belleville sorrel is a French heirloom from the 18th century that produces a bounty of lush, pale green leaves with a lemon flavour that has long been valued in native cuisines throughout Europe. This traditional ‘pot-herb’ has a lot of flavour! When harvested as a baby leaf, its lemony tartness adds a tangy twist to salads, whereas cooked leaves pair well with potatoes, fish or light meat recipes and soups. It works as a surprisingly rich garnish to any gourmet dish when combined with young spinach leaves, wild rocket or beet baby leaf. This cultivated variety with clear green leaves bolts much slower than the wild species, giving you a year-round harvest.
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