Sweet Violet Queen Charlotte

Product image 1Sweet Violet Queen Charlotte
Product image 2Sweet Violet Queen Charlotte
Product image 3Sweet Violet Queen Charlotte

Regular price €3.00

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Queen Charlotte is an heirloom variety that was very popular in the late Victorian times. First introduced in Germany in 1900, it has beautifully fragrant blue flowers on long stems and flowers in the early spring and again in the late summer. Known for centuries, violets were used by the ancient Greeks to make herbal remedies, to sweeten food and to flavour wines. In mythology, they were related to Aphrodite and Priapus, the gods of love, gardens and generations, and they are still a symbol of innocence and everlasting love. Later, violets have been used in the production of perfumes, thanks to their unique scent, whereas the edible petals are used to make violet syrup, sweets and cakes.
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