Dill Mammouth Long Island

Product image 1Dill Mammouth Long Island
Product image 2Dill Mammouth Long Island
Product image 3Dill Mammouth Long Island

Regular price €3.00

Dill is a popular herb related to parsley and carrot; it is grown for its pungent flavour and culinary versatility (all parts of the plant, including leaves, stems, flowers and seeds, can be used to flavour dishes), but it also has a long history of medicinal use. The plant is really appreciated in the early mornings, when the dew-dropped dill refracts the sunlight and prepares its feathery foliage and umbelled yellow flowers to welcome dozens of ladybirds and other beneficial insects, who will keep your kitchen garden’s aphid population to a minimum while pollinating. Long Island Mammoth is a large, attractive heirloom variety from the United States.
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